Monday, April 26, 2010

The Power to Surprise

GorbaChavez: so guess what I bought
Till-man: civic?
GorbaChavez: close
GorbaChavez: Kia Forte "Koup" (5spd man)
Till-man: that's awesome!
Till-man: you can tear the hell out of it
GorbaChavez: it's an EX trim. I wanted SX
GorbaChavez: so it's the smaller engine
GorbaChavez: but it's zippy
GorbaChavez: and stylish
GorbaChavez: and surprisingly well equipped
Till-man: sounds like it's owner. hey now!

1 comment:

David O'Malley said...

5 speed KIAN? gotta go for pink slips. my 1993 Civic CX, 1.5 L against the Kia.