Wednesday, November 24, 2010

There can be only one!

GorbaChavez: does marginal utility explain why I can buy an iphone 3gs for $100 today, instead of $200 when it first came out?
Vanilla IceBerg: I think that's the law of demand.
GorbaChavez: "I demand this be cheaper!" (?)
Vanilla IceBerg: More or less.
Vanilla IceBerg: The price of any thing X falls, all else equal, in the presence of more substitutes for X.
GorbaChavez: so then I need to be the Highlander of all taco scented, witty, mexican developers
Vanilla IceBerg: Now you're getting it.

Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm looking for information on computers and the Internet

MaddBear: I just learned that JFGI is the new RTFM
MaddBear: thought you should know
Vanilla Iceberg: Indeed,
MaddBear: what's that link?
Vanilla Iceberg: A link is a thing you click to visit a place on the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is a place for pictures of cats and naked women.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Viva Piñata

GorbaChavez: I updated ticket 8841
Bacher-Pschorr: congratulations you want a f*cking prize?
GorbaChavez: are prizes an option? nobody tells me shit!
Bacher-Pschorr: yeah come on over and I'll show you
GorbaChavez: if it's not tacos, I don't want it
Bacher-Pschorr: You like getting your prizes out of a piñata, right?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Iraq and such as

GorbaChavez: the name of this class -literally- gave me a tick
GorbaChavez: AbstractRunAlwaysClearinghouseProcessor
Vanilla Iceberg: If there is a God, this class will have a factory somewhere.
This class handles every necessary from the ABC class so that the actual Processor can be mostly ignorate of the underlying construction and what MainApp expects.

GorbaChavez: something's "ignorate" alright
Vanilla Iceberg: Look, it handles every necessary.
Vanilla Iceberg: What moar do you want?
Vanilla Iceberg: You ignorate slut.
GorbaChavez: it only gets better
All filters must act upon a message before the message...
GorbaChavez:  "Yo Dawg, we heard you like filters, so we put a message in your message so you can filter while you filter"