Monday, September 14, 2009

Does Marsellus Wallace look like a bitch?

GorbaChavez: is it safe to rsync my home directory between two computers?

Iceberg: That should mostly work. I recommend not syncing the desktop config files, though (~/.gconf*, ~/.gnome*, basically anything that you've never heard of and could never hand-edit).
GorbaChavez: I will just rsync the obvious stuff
Iceberg: Yes, I just rsync'd the obvious stuff (like ~/.purple and ~/.mozilla).
GorbaChavez: I have a .fuego!
***Iceberg is looking to see if he has .mayonnaise.
GorbaChavez: .penguintv?
Iceberg: WTF is that?
GorbaChavez: I don't know!
GorbaChavez: but it's followed by .pingus
GorbaChavez: so, so juvenile - pronounced, who-vhe-neel-eh
Iceberg: That hurts my pingus.
GorbaChavez: I giggled at that one
Iceberg: Then I've got my quota for the day.
GorbaChavez: I'm going to have to script out this rsync
GorbaChavez: to keep the laptop and desktop in sync
Iceberg: That, writ large, is what I'm trying to accomplish by putting my entire homedir into version control.
GorbaChavez: english!
Iceberg: Motherfucker, do you speak it!
GorbaChavez: you've got rollover giggles
Iceberg: W00t.

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