Friday, December 26, 2008

Like Sands Through the Hourglass

NotTheMama: i'm watching tron... can't believe i've never seen this before
GorbaChavez: you're joking
GorbaChavez: I watched it in 8th grade - at school
GorbaChavez: in our auditorium as a school wide event
NotTheMama: i'll turn in my geek badge now
GorbaChavez: please do
NotTheMama: is it just me or is bruce boxleitner a bad actor?
GorbaChavez: I don't know or care who that is
NotTheMama: the guy who plays tron
NotTheMama: also played the captain on babylon 5
NotTheMama: i'll take my geek badge back, thankyouverymuch
GorbaChavez: wasn't he also from Time Bandits?
NotTheMama: possibly... haven't seen that
GorbaChavez: and I'll be keeping the badge
NotTheMama: touche
NotTheMama: you watch babylon 5?
GorbaChavez: I have not but I've been meaning to...especially since I'm a fan of JMS
NotTheMama: i just always hated boxleitner... one of the most wooden actors in the show
NotTheMama: and he was regarded as some scifi god, and i had no idea who he was... so now it finally makes sense
GorbaChavez: I see
GorbaChavez: nick fallon wins the sci-fi god award for me
NotTheMama: um
NotTheMama: nick fallon is from days of our lives
NotTheMama: did you mean nathan fillion, from firefly?
GorbaChavez: as far as you know
GorbaChavez: but it's good to know you're a days fan
NotTheMama: i believe you now owe me my badge, your badge, and the badges of your immediate family
GorbaChavez: a small price to pay to know you watch days of our lives when you "work from home"
NotTheMama: would that i did
NotTheMama: i actually looked him up on imdb, cause it smacked of a gross error on your part
GorbaChavez: you get the gold in the backpedaling event
NotTheMama: i'm not gonna win this, am i
GorbaChavez: do you ever? have you ever?
NotTheMama: we're done here
GorbaChavez: your new year's resolution should be, "to finally best GorbaChavez"
NotTheMama: i try not to take up resolutions that would rip holes in the spacetime continuum

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