Thursday, June 26, 2008

GorbaChavez: finally! I'll have time to finish that book I've been working on
NotTheMama: "GorbaChavez Unleashed"?
GorbaChavez: "..the unauthorized autobiogrophy"
NotTheMama: nice. it may be the first and only in the history of the world
GorbaChavez: that's my goal
GorbaChavez: I can sue myself for defamation of character
GorbaChavez: and say things like, "he doesn't even know me!"
GorbaChavez: or, "he wasn't eve there!"
NotTheMama: genius... sheer genius
NotTheMama: "i knew GorbaChavez, and you, sir, are no GorbaChavez..."
IceBerg: alas, it's been done
NotTheMama: damnit, there are people dumber than we are
NotTheMama: my money was on us all the way
IceBerg: that's the thing about the Internet
IceBerg: I was considered a pretty clever/funny guy in school. now, I'm just another sarcastic also-ran.
MaddBear: can I out source my hunger?
GorbaChavez: to me? sure...
MaddBear: gonna go out, come back, and feed me regurgitation style?
GorbaChavez: if that's what you pay for...
MaddBear: can i get a lap dance with that paid regurgitation?

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