Wednesday, December 19, 2007

coconut monkeys just said "lovely"
Till-Man: that's acceptable here [SF]
Till-Man: at least i don't play fifa street
GorbaChavez: what's funny is that I was talking to Lee the other day and I accused you of not really being a gamer
GorbaChavez: just that you really like games but that you weren't really good at them
GorbaChavez: then he said you don't have to be good at something to enjoy it
GorbaChavez: In retrospect I could have taken that anywhere, but alas, did not
Till-Man: nice
Till-Man: i only have one question, have you played torment?
GorbaChavez: I have not
Till-Man: i'm glad that we've settled this
Till-Man: you just got served son
GorbaChavez: have you played voodoo castle?
Till-Man: wow, look at mister my-dad-bought-me-every-system
GorbaChavez: And 1
Till-Man: check this out:
GorbaChavez: I have bookmarks for all of these that I used to play
GorbaChavez: I still haven't beaten pirates cove
Till-Man: i never did either. i use to get add halfway through and run towards another shiny object
GorbaChavez: the mongoose always got me
GorbaChavez: feeding it the parrot was not the right move, apparently
Till-Man: ha
Till-Man: that should be part of the post
Till-Man: i have a feeling no one would get it though
GorbaChavez: we would, and that's all that matters
Till-Man: you may have to blog this one b/c i don't seem to have a good chat logger
Till-Man: this miranda shit sux
Till-Man: what client do you use on windows
GorbaChavez: on windows? meebo
Till-Man: oh
Till-Man: hold on
GorbaChavez: or gaim now known as pidgin which I use in linux which is all I'm on now, even at home
Till-Man: look @ you
GorbaChavez: I'm all grown up
Till-Man: yeah you are. guess what chat client i use now?
GorbaChavez: no clue
GorbaChavez: your mom?
Till-Man: i like where your heads at but it's meebo as of 1 minute ago
GorbaChavez: now you're cooking with gas
GorbaChavez: it's just gaim on the backend anyway
Till-Man: i do everything with gas
GorbaChavez: because you are secretly way of Hungaria?
Till-Man: that door was like your moms secret garden...wide open
Till-Man: now you can blog this
GorbaChavez: damn you, got me while I was on the phone
GorbaChavez: I'm calling bullshit; you setup your own joke
GorbaChavez: lame
Till-Man: true and easy...
Till-Man: my ceo stood over my shoulder the other day wearing a black motorcycle helmet and breathing deeply...I think it's giving me nightmares
GorbaChavez: start wearing a jedi robe to work

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