Monday, March 26, 2012

I have such an erection right now!

Remington Steele: how was movie?
GorbaChavez: the movie was ok.
GorbaChavez: difficult to say if I'd liked it without reading the books
GorbaChavez: it's a rental at best
Remington Steele: oh nose. i still have to take the lady friend to see it
Remington Steele damn these testicles. why can't i enjoy similar things as those with ovaries
GorbaChavez: if you did then you wouldn't damn your testicles, you'd play with them (moar)
GorbaChavez: you see, [most]chicks like dicks
GorbaChavez: you provided such a tiny morsel, yet I gleaned so much.
Remington Steele: from my balls
GorbaChavez: (that's what she said)
Remington Steele: it's cold in here. what do you want from me
Remington Steele: don't answer that. we both know
Remington Steele: 

Remington Steele: its all good because he's a doctor

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