Dear citizens of lower Tillmania,
The time has come for you to spread some holiday cheer and donate your toys. We have needy children and don't have time to go buy them toys. With all the governing that we must do on a daily basis, it's a wonder we had time to have children in the first place.
Some suggestions:
Baseball cards
Pictures of Vida Guerra
Vida Guerra herself
Plasma TV (for the baby)
XBOX 360
DS Games
Virgil's Root Beer - Baby hates Barq's
Whatever you send, send it from the heart but absolutely NO BOWLS:
Kids just don't know what to do with them. After about an hour of staring directly at her gift she fell into a deep sleep seen here:
Thankfully, Gorbachavez had his usual jungle-cat like reflexes and threw a twisty blue widget at her and she recovered nicely:
So, to recap, twisty blue widget = Awesome, bowls = scary coma.
Remember when donating to MGT you aren't just helping a child, you're helping all of Tillmanity. Unless you give them a bowl, in that case you aren't helping anyone.
Twisty Blue Widgets - kid tested, mother approved!
Liver alone, Cheese Mine [Vida Guerra]
I said good day!
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