Monday, December 13, 2010

To La Batcaves!

Remington Steele: i'm offended
Remington Steele: wtf is one guy an egg? 
GorbaChavez: so he can say shite like, "eggs-citing" and "eggs-cellent"
Remington Steele: eggsactly
GorbaChavez: I lol'd at "BWATT!"
GorbaChavez: and the fact that the villain's hideout is a taco bell
Remington Steele: its a good hideout frankly
Remington Steele: you think hispanic bruce wayne would go to a taco bell. hail no

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Squash! Squash!

Remington Steele: sorry for the vagaries but i'm not sure if i'll do anything with it so i'm playing it low key
Remington Steele: vagaries is really fun to type
GorbaChavez: I used to date a girl with stinky vagaries
GorbaChavez: I've said too much.