Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mexican Superfriends

GorbaChavez: i've determined our team-up names
Vanilla Iceberg: Do tell. 
GorbaChavez: Taquero and Bus-Boy 
Vanilla Iceberg: Done and done. 
Vanilla Iceberg: "Can I be the taquero this time, jefe?" 
Vanilla Iceberg: "No." 
GorbaChavez: our schtick will be that, at the end of saving the day, I have to stop you from stealing the tips 
Vanilla Iceberg: "No, I no steal. I just going to deliver them!"

Monday, August 2, 2010

The guy's probably on PCP. Broke every bone in his hand and he won't feel it for hours.

NotTheMama: so i just tried submitting a newegg review for this terrible PSU 
NotTheMama and on submission i got a validation error that one of the fields had "obscene and/or potentially offensive language"
NotTheMama: i'm like, wtf? i didn't even come close to anything offensive
NotTheMama: apparently my abbreviation for PC Power and Cooling, "PCP&C" is not acceptable
NotTheMama: cause of "PCP"
NotTheMama: i mean, really?
GorbaChavez: settled.
NotTheMama: so you're siding with the machines
NotTheMama: duly noted
GorbaChavez: i, for one, welcome my new mechanized overlords