Friday, March 26, 2010

Don't concentrate on the finger...

Cha'baller: you having lunch without me, or gonna wait a bit? 
GorbaChavez: what do you think?
Cha'baller: it doesn't matter what I think, only what you choose
GorbaChavez: and the master has become the pupil

Friday, March 12, 2010

Release the hounds!

Cha'baller: my whole team is gone
Cha'baller: there's no meeting on the calendar
Cha'baller: I checked the usual conference rooms, and I can't find them
GorbaChavez: it's like Roanoke all over again!
Cha'baller: if they don't come back, I'll be the senior developer
GorbaChavez: then, we must find them!

Lazy Strippers

Cha'baller: what's with you and not getting out the door before noon anymore
GorbaChavez: I've been trying to get you to leave without me
GorbaChavez: unsuccessfully
Cha'baller: like I've got anything better to do
Cha'baller: if we don't go to lunch, I'll just sit here till 5

Did you just throw a chancla at me?

HighTower: look at us...rekindling our relationship
GorbaChavez: I did feel slightly rekindled when I awoke this morning
HighTower: thats us
HighTower: the power of "us"
GorbaChavez: the story of us
HighTower: brotherhood, thats us
GorbaChavez: of the traveling huaraches?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I wonder what grass tastes like

ojo: do you listen to music?
Cha'baller: that's the only way to take it in
Cha'baller: I tried licking it

Friday, March 5, 2010

Blackness Confirmed

GorbaChavez: today was a first
GorbaChavez: Netflix sent an email survey with one question
GorbaChavez: "How was your video quality watching Superfly?"
GorbaChavez: the email contained three links for the three available responses
Vanilla Iceberg: And one of the responses was "So-lid!"?

Random album title

Cha'baller: I had beggars
Cha'baller: with fat jay
Cha'baller: pudding
Cha'baller: next time, double pudding, no pizza
Cha'baller: dpnp
GorbaChavez: this is the sort of conversation that leads to band names and/or album titles
Cha'baller: DP/NP