Monday, December 13, 2010

To La Batcaves!

Remington Steele: i'm offended
Remington Steele: wtf is one guy an egg? 
GorbaChavez: so he can say shite like, "eggs-citing" and "eggs-cellent"
Remington Steele: eggsactly
GorbaChavez: I lol'd at "BWATT!"
GorbaChavez: and the fact that the villain's hideout is a taco bell
Remington Steele: its a good hideout frankly
Remington Steele: you think hispanic bruce wayne would go to a taco bell. hail no

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Squash! Squash!

Remington Steele: sorry for the vagaries but i'm not sure if i'll do anything with it so i'm playing it low key
Remington Steele: vagaries is really fun to type
GorbaChavez: I used to date a girl with stinky vagaries
GorbaChavez: I've said too much.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

There can be only one!

GorbaChavez: does marginal utility explain why I can buy an iphone 3gs for $100 today, instead of $200 when it first came out?
Vanilla IceBerg: I think that's the law of demand.
GorbaChavez: "I demand this be cheaper!" (?)
Vanilla IceBerg: More or less.
Vanilla IceBerg: The price of any thing X falls, all else equal, in the presence of more substitutes for X.
GorbaChavez: so then I need to be the Highlander of all taco scented, witty, mexican developers
Vanilla IceBerg: Now you're getting it.

Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm looking for information on computers and the Internet

MaddBear: I just learned that JFGI is the new RTFM
MaddBear: thought you should know
Vanilla Iceberg: Indeed,
MaddBear: what's that link?
Vanilla Iceberg: A link is a thing you click to visit a place on the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is a place for pictures of cats and naked women.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Viva Piñata

GorbaChavez: I updated ticket 8841
Bacher-Pschorr: congratulations you want a f*cking prize?
GorbaChavez: are prizes an option? nobody tells me shit!
Bacher-Pschorr: yeah come on over and I'll show you
GorbaChavez: if it's not tacos, I don't want it
Bacher-Pschorr: You like getting your prizes out of a piñata, right?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Iraq and such as

GorbaChavez: the name of this class -literally- gave me a tick
GorbaChavez: AbstractRunAlwaysClearinghouseProcessor
Vanilla Iceberg: If there is a God, this class will have a factory somewhere.
This class handles every necessary from the ABC class so that the actual Processor can be mostly ignorate of the underlying construction and what MainApp expects.

GorbaChavez: something's "ignorate" alright
Vanilla Iceberg: Look, it handles every necessary.
Vanilla Iceberg: What moar do you want?
Vanilla Iceberg: You ignorate slut.
GorbaChavez: it only gets better
All filters must act upon a message before the message...
GorbaChavez:  "Yo Dawg, we heard you like filters, so we put a message in your message so you can filter while you filter"

Friday, September 24, 2010

GorbaChavez: I suggest you start wearing steampunk to work
Vanilla IceBerg:  Awesome.
GorbaChavez:  start off subtle
GorbaChavez: like, first just your watch
GorbaChavez:  then some boots
GorbaChavez:  graduate to a leather fest
GorbaChavez: and vest*
GorbaChavez: then start punk'ing your PC gear
Vanilla IceBerg:  This is painting quite the picture.
GorbaChavez: in meetings, start rolling 20 sided die to make decisions
Vanilla IceBerg: "That was my saving throw against bullshit."
Vanilla IceBerg: "It succeeded."

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mexican Superfriends

GorbaChavez: i've determined our team-up names
Vanilla Iceberg: Do tell. 
GorbaChavez: Taquero and Bus-Boy 
Vanilla Iceberg: Done and done. 
Vanilla Iceberg: "Can I be the taquero this time, jefe?" 
Vanilla Iceberg: "No." 
GorbaChavez: our schtick will be that, at the end of saving the day, I have to stop you from stealing the tips 
Vanilla Iceberg: "No, I no steal. I just going to deliver them!"

Monday, August 2, 2010

The guy's probably on PCP. Broke every bone in his hand and he won't feel it for hours.

NotTheMama: so i just tried submitting a newegg review for this terrible PSU 
NotTheMama and on submission i got a validation error that one of the fields had "obscene and/or potentially offensive language"
NotTheMama: i'm like, wtf? i didn't even come close to anything offensive
NotTheMama: apparently my abbreviation for PC Power and Cooling, "PCP&C" is not acceptable
NotTheMama: cause of "PCP"
NotTheMama: i mean, really?
GorbaChavez: settled.
NotTheMama: so you're siding with the machines
NotTheMama: duly noted
GorbaChavez: i, for one, welcome my new mechanized overlords

Monday, July 19, 2010


NotTheMama: you have Words With Friends on your iPhone? 
GorbaChavez: I did
NotTheMama: over the weekend, i won a game by playing TITMEN
NotTheMama: and yes, it IS the plural of TITMAN

Friday, June 11, 2010

Uncle Benny

Till-Man: so, a crazy hot chick just got on the train with some douche which is typically nothing to write you about. certainly nothing to fire up VPN for. however, she turned around and she has a really hairy back
Till-Man: what's the call? you can't exactly brown bag a hairy back
GorbaChavez: print it!
TillMan: not even a one up?
GorbaChavez: man, i had nothing
GorbaChavez: i showed that to Vanilla Iceberg and his response, "a question for the ages. the kind of thing you have to consult a Kung-Fu master on"

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Achievement Unlocked

GorbaChavez: One of the twins at v-ball said you were a MILF
GorbaChavez: I was like, "yeah, that's my trophy wife"
Mich-Mich: maybe you should polish that trophy once in a while

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Power to Surprise

GorbaChavez: so guess what I bought
Till-man: civic?
GorbaChavez: close
GorbaChavez: Kia Forte "Koup" (5spd man)
Till-man: that's awesome!
Till-man: you can tear the hell out of it
GorbaChavez: it's an EX trim. I wanted SX
GorbaChavez: so it's the smaller engine
GorbaChavez: but it's zippy
GorbaChavez: and stylish
GorbaChavez: and surprisingly well equipped
Till-man: sounds like it's owner. hey now!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Welcome to you're "doom"

Cha'baller you're reached new levels of chump? 
GorbaChavez: you are reached?
GorbaChavez: I am reached!
GorbaChavez: I'm the reachiest Reach that ever has reached!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Aunt Bunny is coming to get me

Cha'baller: I saw the Beggar's barmaid in her street clothes on my way to the bucks
GorbaChavez: yeah?
Cha'baller: we had some words
GorbaChavez: wait, like "street walker" clothes?
Cha'baller: no, average attractive single girl clothes, like the stuff your wife wears
Cha'baller: not like the stuff my ladies wear
Cha'baller: which is both too much and not enough at the same time
GorbaChavez: I lol'd
GorbaChavez: you've earned your stripes

It's. A. Hot. Dog!

GorbaChavez: fuck
GorbaChavez: this is gonna be a long month
Cha'baller: I recommend you start selling ripoff iPads on ebay; large memopads with I-PAD scrawled on the front
Cha'baller: and vary your "buy it now" prices, set some at $80 and some at $450
GorbaChavez: I see you have experience with this
Cha'baller: remember to open a new ebay account for this venture, "ipad_sales_pro"

Friday, March 26, 2010

Don't concentrate on the finger...

Cha'baller: you having lunch without me, or gonna wait a bit? 
GorbaChavez: what do you think?
Cha'baller: it doesn't matter what I think, only what you choose
GorbaChavez: and the master has become the pupil

Friday, March 12, 2010

Release the hounds!

Cha'baller: my whole team is gone
Cha'baller: there's no meeting on the calendar
Cha'baller: I checked the usual conference rooms, and I can't find them
GorbaChavez: it's like Roanoke all over again!
Cha'baller: if they don't come back, I'll be the senior developer
GorbaChavez: then, we must find them!

Lazy Strippers

Cha'baller: what's with you and not getting out the door before noon anymore
GorbaChavez: I've been trying to get you to leave without me
GorbaChavez: unsuccessfully
Cha'baller: like I've got anything better to do
Cha'baller: if we don't go to lunch, I'll just sit here till 5

Did you just throw a chancla at me?

HighTower: look at us...rekindling our relationship
GorbaChavez: I did feel slightly rekindled when I awoke this morning
HighTower: thats us
HighTower: the power of "us"
GorbaChavez: the story of us
HighTower: brotherhood, thats us
GorbaChavez: of the traveling huaraches?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I wonder what grass tastes like

ojo: do you listen to music?
Cha'baller: that's the only way to take it in
Cha'baller: I tried licking it

Friday, March 5, 2010

Blackness Confirmed

GorbaChavez: today was a first
GorbaChavez: Netflix sent an email survey with one question
GorbaChavez: "How was your video quality watching Superfly?"
GorbaChavez: the email contained three links for the three available responses
Vanilla Iceberg: And one of the responses was "So-lid!"?

Random album title

Cha'baller: I had beggars
Cha'baller: with fat jay
Cha'baller: pudding
Cha'baller: next time, double pudding, no pizza
Cha'baller: dpnp
GorbaChavez: this is the sort of conversation that leads to band names and/or album titles
Cha'baller: DP/NP

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gooses! Geeses! I want my geese to lay gold eggs for Easter

Cha'baller: lolfed 
GorbaChavez: why is this news (to me)
GorbaChavez: although I do apreciate now knowing a checking account is not just a checking account
Cha'baller: had you heard the term NOW account used before?
GorbaChavez: probably
GorbaChavez: never gave it any thought
Cha'baller: maybe wondered why they insisted on calling it a NOW account instead of a checking account?
GorbaChavez: no, I don't wonder those things
GorbaChavez: I wonder about things like, why you insist on dating fat chicks
Cha'baller: they find me!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Makes me wish I had three hands!

GorbaChavez: at first, I thought this said "big, big, titties"
Hen-Bear: and i'm sorry it doesn't

Yeah, I'm really busy working on that Penske file

NotTheMama: got my fixed xbox back
NotTheMama: only took 1 week 4 days
NotTheMama: only it's not my xbox
GorbaChavez: it never is
NotTheMama: so i can't shake the feeling that some dude rubbed his balls all over this one
GorbaChavez: well, if it makes you feel any better, you should rub your balls on this one before sending it in (if it breaks again)
NotTheMama: this is why i pay you the big bucks

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Future is Nao!

GorbaChavez: interesting,
Cha'baller: so that shit wasn't possible until the old terrestrial broadcast channels were shut off
GorbaChavez: right.  that was the interesting part
Cha'baller: fucking old tv was blocking the future!
GorbaChavez: you just went up a notch

Maybe this whole internet thing is too much technology for you

MaddBear: not sure yet, but I think i might have a video of another man putting his junk in my wife's face
MaddBear: who else could say the same?
MaddBear: LOL! I DO!
MaddBear: you gotta come see this!
GorbaChavez: just send me the link
GorbaChavez: I have the internet too

Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm in Miami, Bitch! (Part Deux)

Till-man: Wow, there really are drug dealers everywhere.
GorbaChavez 100,000 dollar cars. Everybody's got em.
Till-man: I just saw some dudes driver and he looked like you
GorbaChavez Ruggedly handsome?
Till-man: If that means slight mustache then yes
GorbaChavez: Was his name "Taquito"?
Till-man:  No, man, it was a real live boy.
GorbaChavez: Ask him if he is legal. And if his mustache grows when he says yes, then you know for sure.
Till-man: Print it