Thursday, December 27, 2007

Twinkie Pimp

Tillmanski: i was telling a couple of friends that my policy behind facebook has been totally ruined
Tillmanski: i wanted to treat it like a nightclub and keep a good ratio
Tillmanski: i added my cousin and like 5 dudes the other day
Tillmanski: weak sauce
GorbaChavez: it's like one of your house parties
Tillmanski: totally. fucking sausage everywhere
Tillmanski: or did you mean lots of double dipping?
GorbaChavez: can't it be both?
Tillmanski: touche

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

coconut monkeys just said "lovely"
Till-Man: that's acceptable here [SF]
Till-Man: at least i don't play fifa street
GorbaChavez: what's funny is that I was talking to Lee the other day and I accused you of not really being a gamer
GorbaChavez: just that you really like games but that you weren't really good at them
GorbaChavez: then he said you don't have to be good at something to enjoy it
GorbaChavez: In retrospect I could have taken that anywhere, but alas, did not
Till-Man: nice
Till-Man: i only have one question, have you played torment?
GorbaChavez: I have not
Till-Man: i'm glad that we've settled this
Till-Man: you just got served son
GorbaChavez: have you played voodoo castle?
Till-Man: wow, look at mister my-dad-bought-me-every-system
GorbaChavez: And 1
Till-Man: check this out:
GorbaChavez: I have bookmarks for all of these that I used to play
GorbaChavez: I still haven't beaten pirates cove
Till-Man: i never did either. i use to get add halfway through and run towards another shiny object
GorbaChavez: the mongoose always got me
GorbaChavez: feeding it the parrot was not the right move, apparently
Till-Man: ha
Till-Man: that should be part of the post
Till-Man: i have a feeling no one would get it though
GorbaChavez: we would, and that's all that matters
Till-Man: you may have to blog this one b/c i don't seem to have a good chat logger
Till-Man: this miranda shit sux
Till-Man: what client do you use on windows
GorbaChavez: on windows? meebo
Till-Man: oh
Till-Man: hold on
GorbaChavez: or gaim now known as pidgin which I use in linux which is all I'm on now, even at home
Till-Man: look @ you
GorbaChavez: I'm all grown up
Till-Man: yeah you are. guess what chat client i use now?
GorbaChavez: no clue
GorbaChavez: your mom?
Till-Man: i like where your heads at but it's meebo as of 1 minute ago
GorbaChavez: now you're cooking with gas
GorbaChavez: it's just gaim on the backend anyway
Till-Man: i do everything with gas
GorbaChavez: because you are secretly way of Hungaria?
Till-Man: that door was like your moms secret garden...wide open
Till-Man: now you can blog this
GorbaChavez: damn you, got me while I was on the phone
GorbaChavez: I'm calling bullshit; you setup your own joke
GorbaChavez: lame
Till-Man: true and easy...
Till-Man: my ceo stood over my shoulder the other day wearing a black motorcycle helmet and breathing deeply...I think it's giving me nightmares
GorbaChavez: start wearing a jedi robe to work

Monday, December 10, 2007

I feel pretty and witty and bright!

NotTheMama: bah... we couldn't afford that ish... we were poor romanian immigrants, not wealthy mexicans livin the high life... i've told you this before... so i missed out on the c64
NotTheMama: i'm atari, you're coleco vision... we come from two different worlds... let it go... it cannot be...
GorbaChavez: it's like the nerd version of west side story
NotTheMama: btw...
NotTheMama: ...
NotTheMama: ...
NotTheMama: we're
NotTheMama: preggers!
GorbaChavez: no way!
NotTheMama: way!
GorbaChavez: congrats man!
NotTheMama: thanks
GorbaChavez: how far along?
NotTheMama: about a month. due in mid august
GorbaChavez: you're not supposed to say anythign until your 3months a long!
GorbaChavez: I'll let it slide this time
NotTheMama: really?
GorbaChavez: that's what Mich-Mich always says
NotTheMama: apparently romanian culture disagrees... we seem to tell ppl the day before conception : )
GorbaChavez: well played
NotTheMama: well, don't tell T... she was all about waiting 3 months
NotTheMama: i thought she was just being silly
NotTheMama: but now i guess not : )
NotTheMama: i'd never hear the end of it
GorbaChavez: doh
NotTheMama: sometimes i wish life had an Undo command

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

It's Duck Season! It's Rabbit Season!

MajorSuckage: Remember the time we went deer hunting and you accidentally shot me in the ass with your elephant gun? I'm beginning to think that it wasn't an accident.....
GorbaChavez: I would have thought the fact that we weren't in the woods would have tipped you off sooner
MajorSuckage: I was confused when you kept insisting that I walk 10 feet ahead of you.

Sunday, September 30, 2007


DragonAss: Hey is there a cartoon with the name "gigantor"?
Major Suckage: Yes, It's a robot.
ThePapparazo!:What, I never head of that. How old is that?
Major Suckage: Man that is before our time, it is like Veronica old.
ThePapparazo!:Damn, Veronica old!
DragonAss: BLAM! SMACK! POW!
ThePapparazo!: OW
Major Suckage: ha ha ha ha

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's good to be da king

NotTheMama: are you a handicapped stall or regular stall guy?
GorbaChavez: regular stall. I don't like the higher toilets
NotTheMama: yeah, but they're so spacious
NotTheMama: i feel like a king
GorbaChavez: true. and they usually have their own sink
NotTheMama: sometimes they do
NotTheMama: the thing is, i have residual guilt every time i use it
NotTheMama: cause i keep thinking that one day, i'm gonna walk out of one
NotTheMama: and there's gonna be a dude in a wheelchair
NotTheMama: waiting there
NotTheMama: outside
NotTheMama: glaring at me
NotTheMama: and that will be the lowest day of my entire life
GorbaChavez: Lower than the day you realized about Don Kashay?
NotTheMama: now i'm depressed

Dude, you're getting a Hamster!

GorbaChavez: build me a new computer
GorbaChavez: for less than 600
NotTheMama: done
NotTheMama: i'll send my elf over to the house tonight
NotTheMama: do recommend us to your friends, please
GorbaChavez: awesome!
GorbaChavez: wait, is it going to be widdled out of wood?
NotTheMama: what else?
GorbaChavez: just making sure
NotTheMama: it will also have a little hamster inside
GorbaChavez: made of chocolate?
NotTheMama: he'll make the pixels change
NotTheMama: your screen will have a refresh rate of 0.2 Hz
NotTheMama: we like to call it "the imagination machine"
GorbaChavez: does the Hz stand for Hamsterz?
NotTheMama: again, what else?
NotTheMama: you're not a very techie guy, are you...
GorbaChavez: clearly

Friday, September 7, 2007

Untitled...or is it?

GorbaChavez: I used the "or do you?" on Jim V today
Tillmanski: how'd it go
GorbaChavez:: I don't think he got it
Tillmanski: or did he
GorbaChavez: well played
Tillmanski: he reads our blog you know. we should probably post this
GorbaChavez: yes, you should
Tillmanski: 1.2.3. not it
GorbaChavez: dammit
Tillmanski: our wit is only ever trumped by our laziness.
GorbaChavez: truer words have never been spoken
GorbaChavez: (by us)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

No thanks, I already have a penguin

GorbaChavez: my rapleaf score beats yours

Tillmanski: when i first signed up a while back i thought about putting your name in there with a negative value

GorbaChavez: you're trying to destroy me you've had it in for me ever since the first time I out-quipped you
shake and bake! there can't be 2 number one's

Tillmanski: "no, i'm nino", classic

GorbaChavez: you don't know how excited I am that you got the exact reference

Tillmanski: how could i forget, it was magical. i remember looking down and realizing that i'd finally found myself and swept myself of my feet.

GorbaChavez: fairy tales do come true


Monday, June 25, 2007

i just stopped by to say hello

till-man: how'd the bday go?
mich-mich: who the HELL is this?!
mich-mich: i dont know you!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Viva Pinata!

GorbaChavez: I miss your musk...
Till-Man: Say my name! Till-Man Chavez!
GorbaChavez: This just got awkward...
Till-Man: After this whole thing blows over we should move in together.
Till-Man: Excited about the bday?
GorbaChavez:Hell yeah! We're getting a pinata!
Till-Man: Sweet! What's it shaped like? A donkey?
GorbaChavez: Beardo suggested a nut sack, so one could say "you're breaking my balls!"
Till-Man: In our case that would yield lots of candy!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Maurits Cornelis Escher

GorbaChavez: i need a blog post title
Maddbear: send me the text, i'll give you three clever titles to choose from
Maddbear: i'm good that way

NotTheMama: hey, did i ever tell you how i always thought wayne newton was kinda gay?
GorbaChavez: i can't say that you have
NotTheMama: all because of that song, which i had always thought was called "Don Kashay"
NotTheMama: so i always thought he was singing about some dude, "my darling Don Kashay"
NotTheMama: only to have learned a little German recently and realize it was "Danke Shun", which is "thanks a lot" in german
NotTheMama: but anyway, i digress
GorbaChavez: sometimes, it's "ok" to keep thoughts like this in your head

Maddbear: "It takes one to know one" "Betty Shorn" (My favorite) "What song lyrics tell us about ourselves"
GorbaChavez: betty shorn?
Maddbear: german response to danke schon, would be bitte schon, you're welcome, a doofus could easily think someone was saying Betty Shorn, or Betty Shane, Shorn is just funnier and leads to a nice imagery
Maddbear: it actually sounds closer to "bitter" but I couldn't think of anything funny with "bitter" and "betty" is a name, just like "Don"
Maddbear: maybe "Bitter Shane"
Maddbear: that's kind of funny
Maddbear: actually, i'm going with number 3 now
GorbaChavez: man, this is as bad as the explanation for "waluijeff"
GorbaChavez: you're fired
Maddbear: you can't fire me! you're fired!
GorbaChavez: but i don't even work here!
Maddbear: no excuses! get the hell out
GorbaChavez: i'll just pass by the supply room on the way
Maddbear: actually, you could post that first post within this second post, then you don't have to title it at all --- you would have to title -this- one though, so you're pretty screwed all the way around...unless you want to ask me for a title for this one, but then you're just back where we started, creating another post within a post
Maddbear: it's all twilight zone shit
GorbaChavez: Or some Escher painting

Friday, April 27, 2007

Post OP European Hookers

Major Suckage: Anyway you going to iberico?
RegalBeagle: I'll try to make it tomorrow. Might be the last time i'll see you guys.
Major Suckage: Last time you see us? where are you going?
RegalBeagle: You're the one leaving. Its a pretty long flight across the Atlantic. :) Or you might fall in love with a hooker in Prague and never come back.
Major Suckage: Shit, why can't it be a fine Italian girl?
RegalBeagle: Alright then...a post op Italian tranny from Rome. Let's be realistic too.
Major Suckage: I hate you man.
RegalBeagle: No you don't.
Major Suckage: You're right. But i wanna beat you up right now.
RegalBeagle: I said post-op! Post- OP!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Legal Name Change

It has been strongly suggested that Till-Man's name be changed to Tillmanski. Who are we to argue with the Red Samurai?

We're back!

After a long vacation we're finally back. Our trip around the world feeding starving MILFs has been met with great acclaim. We are prod to say we did our part to cure the horrible blight that plagues the many MILFs of this world.

Now that we are back and GorbaChavez has all of his shots, we will be bringing you the creme de la creme of blog entertainment known as Blentertainment (TM).

We have an exciting lineup of activities and subject matter coming over the next few months. Several "meetups", club events and of course our semi-annual cash give-away (as in, you, to us).

In addition to these wonderful events we are planning to bring order to the chaos that is the '08 election. By supporting the candidate that loves us the most, we will be looking out for our readers best interest.

'06 was great but '07 is looking even brighter. Thanks for your continued support.


TillMan & GorbaChavez
The Crest Sparkel Motion of Bloggers

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

tryn to get my sloppy second

RegalBeagle: tryn to get my sloppy seconds
ThePapparazo!: you never had a only got to 3rd base bro.
but still i guesss that is sloppy seconds..or 4th base?
RegalBeagle: i never closed the deal but we played around with a lot of contracts
ThePapparazo!:you had no visa to get into Mexico is what you are saying, just a passport
RegalBeagle: yeah i was able to visit the region but could not move in, that is with all my luggage
ThePapparazo!:lil penis joke here
RegalBeagle: i could visit but only with a carry on manbag. no not lil peinis joke im speaking of my fingers

Monday, January 29, 2007

Blue Shell Cherry: In An Unfamiliar Position

Recently Heard:
Mankinder: Oh!! What the fuck?! I just got blue shelled, and wasn’t even in first place.
Niinja™: ¿We’re you in first a moment ago?
Mankinder: Yeah(?)
Maddbear: That was your first blue shell, wasn’t it?
Mankinder: (pause) Yeah.
Niinja™: You popped your cherry.
Maddbear: That’s kind of adorable, in a pathetic sort of way.

More recently heard:
Mankinder: Did that red shell hit you?
Maddbear: Nah. Went right by. Wasn’t even close.
Mankinder: It didn’t home in on you?
Niinja™: Not when you fire them back.
Maddbear: (While passing) To the back where you belong.

Most recently heard:
Ojo: I think I need to level-up before going back down in there. They keep ganging up on one of my wizards and next thing I know I’m trying to get through with just one.
Niinja™: ¿Do you put both your wizards in back?
Ojo: No. I put one in front and one in back.
Niinja™: ¿Are you looking to melee with your wizard?
Ojo: No.
Niinja™: I can’t believe I just said that.
Ojo: I can’t believe I understood it.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Jump back, wanna kiss myself...hhaay!

RegalBeagle: i feel like i got stuck in the face
GorbaChavez: did you?
RegalBeagle: i dont think i did
GorbaChavez: the other night i punched Mich-Mich in the face, "in my sleep"
GorbaChavez: i told her she must have deserved it
GorbaChavez: it didn't go over well
RegalBeagle: i woke up with my face on my fist
GorbaChavez: maybe you -did- stick yourself
RegalBeagle: maybe i said something to myself and it upset me while i slept
RegalBeagle: i might have called myself gay
GorbaChavez: that's gotta be something alright, if you can piss yourself off in your sleep - enough to punch yourself
RegalBeagle: non the less its hurt all day
GorbaChavez: maybe you came on to yourself in your sleep
RegalBeagle: could be. my other hand was on my ass